Mindset Culitvation

Hey Friends!

It has been a while.

A new issue is coming out soon, addressing common mindset problems people face as well as some actions you can take to fix them.

For now…

I’m sending this email out to let you know that the Mindset Cultivation Course is now open.

The course has all the Tools, Tactics, & Techniques you need to rid yourself of negative thoughts and cultivate a mindset worth living in, but more importantly…

The course teaches you the nuances you can only get from actually being in the trenches…

And I’ve been there…multiple times, the only difference was is, before I would coast, waiting and hoping, until I happened to stumble upon peace.

The last time I was in a rut I took it into my own hands… I applied this system and within 4 days I was living peacefully 80% of the time. Within 2 weeks I was thriving.

Some nuances include, how to use the Tools, Tactics, & Techniques, when to best use them, and what to use them in reaction to.

I want to make it clear. Just because this system works. Doesn’t mean it will be any easier. Old thoughts will creep in when you’re tired, and sometimes you will feel down.

This system is here to make things simpler. To remove having to figure everything out when your mind is already suffering.

So if you’re overrun with a loud mind or your mindset isn’t what you would like it to be and you’re looking for a system to design your dream mindset…

To celebrate the launch, the course will be on discount until the end of the week ($65 → $29).

Grab it before prices go up!

And if you have any friends who you think would benefit from it send them to the link below before weeks end.

Click Here

In the mean time if you’re looking for a few unconventional tips for improving your mindset…

I wrote a Twitter thread you can read below:

Thanks for reading!

I look forward to talking to you all soon.

Until then have take care of yourself.

Learn, build, and laugh!

- Babbling Mind


or to participate.