The Archery Competition of Life

A short story on being a little right but mostly wrong...

Let’s pretend you’re at an Archery competition…

You step in front of the crowds, but it doesn’t start when you enter the arena, it starts months earlier…in practice.

In practice you hone your skills, you acquire information of what to do and what not to do.

Now in front of the crowds you must put all those months of work to use.

It’s time to take action… to shoot the arrow at the target.

But there’s a problem…

There’s wind.

In practice you were inside, you never had to deal with wind.

Fortunately some of your practice can still be put to use. You’re able hit some of the closer targets. But, the farther ones evade you.

So in preparation for the next competition you train with wind.

The next event there’s wind, but this time you’re prepared, you nailed every target until…

The sun came out, you couldn’t see with it glaring into your eyes, and again, like the last competition you miss the furthest targets.

You go back to the drawing time you will be prepared for the sun.

Finally after months of training with the blaring sun and howling wind, it’s time to perform again.

You start off strong, the wind has no effect and you could careless of the sharp reflections hitting your eye…bullseye after bullseye…


The Moral of the Story…

The story is meant to be a metaphor for setting and achieving meaningful goals.

Practice represents your life up until this very moment. 

You have had countless experiences in your life, each one influencing your beliefs of what you:

  • Like

  • Dislike

  • Think is wrong

  • Think is right

The targets represent your goals.

You use the information you gather in “practice” to figure out how to hit the target or how to best aim.

And if this was exactly like life, you would use the information to decide what targets to aim at.

The wind and the sun represent the inevitable.

No matter how much you prepare.

How much you think you know.

You will be wrong about something and something will come up to throw you off.

There will be wind.

Finally, the bow and arrow represent the decision to take action.

You may think you know “what’s right” and “what’s wrong” but as you set and pursue goals what you think will change.

There is no objective right and wrong, you have to decide that for yourself through trial and error.

Use what you learn to create better hypothesis’ to test out.

The repeat it all over again from your new perspective.

You will have some beliefs that the majority agree with and for good reason, you shouldn’t go out and rob people.

But don’t be scared to go against the grain sometimes, for example…

You may be completely against a 9-5 job and think it’s the worst thing a person can do for work, that’s okay. But realize this isn’t true for everyone, for some it may be just the thing they need.

Because it’s wrong for you (or right for that matter) doesn’t mean its wrong for everyone.

Final Takeaways:

You will be wrong about something and that’s okay.

But it’s not okay give up.

And it’s especially not okay to never try.

Use what you know to inform you where to aim, then release your arrow from the bow.

Finally question your beliefs and don’t be afraid to change them.

Thanks for reading!

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Until next time, have a great rest of your day!

- Babbling Mind


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