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  • 4 Creators Teaching You How to Live your Best Life

4 Creators Teaching You How to Live your Best Life

4 creators that have helped me grow...

It’s important to have mentors.

They’ll not only act as guides but also help speed up your success (properly).

The problem is they’re expensive and hard to get direct access too.

However the internet has changed this, you now have access to thousands of mentors for free. And the best part is you can have as many as you want.

Over my still ongoing self-improvement journey I have had many mentors.

Today I wanted to share a few of them with you, these creators are some of the best in the fields of health, self-improvement, lifestyle design and more.

I highly recommend you check each of them out.

Any who enough dilly dallying, lets get into it…

1. The Daily Stoic

If you don't know what the Daily Stoic is, or who Ryan Holiday is, you have to check him out. I admire him not only for the value he gives out, but also for the character he embodies. He is a master of lifestyle design.

I highly recommend you check out:

2. Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield is a pioneer in the health blogging and podcasting space. He has been putting out valuable free content for years. Whether you're looking for the fundamentals or for the cutting-edge science he has you covered.

Since he's been posting for years, he has essentially covered all the fundamentals of health two times over. So it can be a little daunting if it's your first time visiting his website and the first thing you see are new developments in anti-cancer research or whatever the latest research is saying.

To Start:

You can find all his work:

3. Dan Koe

If you found me from Twitter there is a high likelihood you know who Dan Koe is.

He is a perhaps my favorite content writer on Twitter, especially on the topics of making money online and the one-person business model.

I highly recommend you check out

4. Vizi Andrei

To end off I want to present Vizi Andrei.

He is a writer, designer, and artist while being none of those things (you'll understand if you check him out).

His work is some my favorite to look at, he writes beautifully, and his (short) Instagram stories are often enthralling perspectives on life. It was through him I learned the term "lifestyle design".

I recommend all his work.

To get started I recommend:

You can check out all of his stuff here.

That's all for now.

Thank You for reading, if you want to check my stuff out click here.

Until next time...

- Babbling Mind


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