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  • The 1 habit to implement for long periods of happiness...

The 1 habit to implement for long periods of happiness...

This "habit" is not like other habits. It's not something you do every day while at the same time being something you do every day.


Let me explain...

How things affect you comes down to how you view them in your mind.

The same is true for this habit.

So what is this habit?

Decision making...

You make decisions every day so, how is this a "habit" you don't do every day?

It has to do with what you are deciding on.

There are 2 types of decisions:

  • Big ones

  • Small ones

This post is about the big ones.

Note that this habit is a part of a bigger framework I created for happiness. One that involves small decisions. I will be talking about this framework more in later posts so subscribe to the Curiosity Quencher to not miss out!

What's special about this and how do you do it?

I think it's the simple and small actions that make your life. But the big ones that change your life.

Of course, there are nuances but let me give you examples from my own life:

Small act

A small act I do (almost) every morning is foam roll for 10-20 mins. It's nothing special but it makes my life better:

  • I feel looser.

  • I don't get random aches.

  • I have more energy.

It's a habit I highly recommend. It makes my days better but doesn't change how I spend a significant amount of my time.

Big act

On the other hand here are a few big acts that changed my life:

  • Walking up to my (now) best friends' table in grade 9 to ask to eat lunch with them.

  • Dropping out of University.

  • Reconnecting with my (now) best friends after the Lockdowns.

These actions fundamentally changed my life. They changed my underlying mindset and the way I spend my time.

But do you notice something about everything I said above?

How to Change your Life

The acts I listed, I defined as big or small. But in reality, the decision to take either type of action took seconds to execute.

That's what I mean when I say,

"Everything in life comes down to how you view it in your mind."

So how do you find the "big" actions that will change your life?

You pay attention to the answers to these questions:

  • What do I want in my life right now?

For example, to be happier, to be stronger, to have a significant other, etc.

  • What do I want to do right now?

For example, to travel, to talk to that girl, to hang out with friends, etc.

  • What am I scared of or feel resistant to doing?

This is the big question, the decider in my experience, and usually, I can figure out if I have been lying to myself if this answer doesn't align with the ones above.

For example, are you scared to talk to that girl, go up to those people you want to be friends with, or apply to that job?

If so, do it.

The cave you most fear entering holds the treasure you most desire.

This newsletter is part of a bigger series that explains my framework for happiness, growth, and health. If you are interested make sure to subscribe to The Curiosity Quencher to not miss an episode.

Until next time have a good day and go do something you want, to do that you're scared of.

- The Babbling Mind


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